Increase The Power Of Your Shower
Minerals soften & purify water, fits all shower systems, easy to install, satisfaction guaranteed.

Adjustable Shower Heads
The Adjustable range has the same features as the standard range, however these have an adjustable flow setting built into the head. A small switch allows you to change from 2 or 3 different flow settings depending on the model. The jet flow setting is especially useful for cleaning the shower after use.

Salon (Professional) Shower Heads
The Salon range was designed with exactly that in mind, designed for hair salons where you hold the head rather than the handle when you are washing hair. We have also found that in a household situation if you have a low roof in your shower cubicle, this head can go further up your riser rail so the water goes on your head rather than you face or body.

Speciality Shower Heads
The Speciality range features an assortment of heads including the magnetic head which features strong magnets in the neck of the shower to give you magnetic therapy helping to heal and sooth much like magnetic therapy bands. It also features the “Groom Room” heads, perfect for washing your furry friends.

Every part of the Super Soft Shower is repairable, replaceable and serviceable. So if you lose or damage any part, don’t throw the whole thing away, just get in touch with us and we will supply you replacements! We also stock little extras such as cleaning equipment to keep your shower in tip top condition as well as other items such as wall brackets.